Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting of the Minds

Partly, a desire to have a last look at some of the iconic areas that make Sydney Sydney and partly to arrest my ever expanding girth, I have been taking early morning runs in Bondi, Circular Quay, Woolloomooloo, Darling Harbour, The City and Kings Cross.

This morning it was Kings Cross. I parked at Garden Island and began there. 

It was still dark when I reached the Nightclub strip and amongst the collection of strung out junkies, hookers, bouncers and hardy souls searching the food vendors to place some solids in stomachs that for some time had only felt liquid, I saw a bloke that was leaving a club, each of his arms around the waist of a stunning looking lady, book ended by beauties, all three laughing loudly.

By the frown that developed when he saw me, I gauged that my presence was a reality check that the night may not last forever and whatever responsibilities he had before it began were still around and may have to faced sooner rather than later.

I didn't mean to rain on his parade or maybe I'm projecting to much on the moment but it seemed like a meeting of the minds. He was thinking, as good as this looks it would be wiser to be where you are now and all I was thinking was, I'd like to be where you are now.

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