Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Day in the Life

Plaza San Martin, Central Buenos Aires

A vastly different week from the first.

Having covered the notable areas and sights of Buenos Aires during the first week here, I have now settled into a very casual routine.

I wake about 9 and have the breakfast the Hostel provides. I retire to the Café Origen where, having visited the place twice daily since my arrival, I can sit and a café con leche is made and placed at my table without having to order. I let the rush hour pass (9.30 - 10.30) and return to the Hostel to check the news.

Set off for a stroll which is interspersed with periods of reading if I pass a nice place to sit. Find my way back to San Telmo, I have now ditched the city map, and buy a lunch of empanadas de pollo, carne or a tortilla.

Exercise consisting of push ups and sit ups to which I have recently added skipping takes me to siesta from 3 - 5pm.

Wake, shower and again to the café for a long period with a book.

Evenings I leave to fate.

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