Friday, February 26, 2010

67 days until take off.

I booked my ticket sometime ago, primarily because I wanted to force my hand. Having booked and paid in full and not having taken insurance I am locked in. This has become my motivation to complete all the other minor tasks I have before leaving.

I am flying to Buenos Aires with the Argentine National carrier, Aerolineas Argentinas. Price was the dealmaker and after reading some reviews, it seems I will get what I paid i.e. very little. Some of the reviews seem petty and I think the reviewer's expectations may have been too high. I am easily pleased and fore warned is fore armed.

I’m fortifying myself with the assumption that whatever savings the airline makes providing a dismal service are spent on maintaining all the pieces of an airplane that allow it to take off, stay in the air for the required distance and land in the correct place, safely.

The owners of the Airline Review website are either struggling for revenue or have a sick sense of humour. The banner advertisement is for National Geographic Channel’s, Air Crash Investigation. I just checked seven other carriers on the website and the advertising was for foreign exchange, hotels, flight booking services etc then back to Aerolineas Argentinas and Air Crash Investigation.

Fingers crossed !

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