Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An unabashed fontist

Having lived and worked in the confines of a ship for a long period I have developed a thick skin against the foibles of others. I grant latitude to peoples idiosyncrasies. I have become tolerant of behaviours that once I would have addressed.

What is beyond my grace, something I cannot abide is a font that was in vogue but thankfully has fallen out of favour. As with all prejudices, I instantly dismiss the users of this font and whatever they are trying to convey. If I see it in a presentation a heavy mist rolls over me and I start to consider why someone didn't sterilise the shallow gene pool this cretin was spawned in and spare me the misfortune to have to suffer this. If I see it in an email, delete. If it is used to promote a business or product I give it a wide berth and wish a plague o' both their houses.

I won't name the font for a precious few to still cling to it and I want to see them as they are. If I did name it they would disown it, that's what they are like, spineless. I urge you to be vigilant you never know where they will strike next.

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