Friday, August 13, 2010


Santiago seems an ordered and efficient city. It citizens seem to have aspirations towards Western capitalism. It seems to look towards the United States more than its South American counterparts.

Order and efficiency always exist at the expense of variety so from my very cursory view Santiago lacks the bohemian charms of Buenos Aires. Much to their credit it doesn’t seem like a country that experienced a massive earthquake. Although the epicentre was in the south of Chile, the capital shook, but I cannot detect any lasting effects. The jewel of Santiago, for me, is Santa Lucia, an ornate park built on a steep hill in central Santiago that affords 360 degree views of the city.

Valparaiso, the port city two hours west of Santiago, is a tumble down collection of shanties that sprawl up from the port far into the hills beyond. The citizens are in an unfortunate position and it seems every day is a struggle. It was difficult for me to be there. In life’s lottery I could not stop thinking, ’but for the grace of God go I’.

My night in Valparaiso was a seminal moment. Many of the disagreeable elements that I left the Navy to avoid have returned since I left Buenos Aires. Communal living and broken sleep in particular, although this is ameliorated by the fact that I don’t have obligations. I looked ahead to the many long bus rides that would be required for me to see what I want to. I asked my self is it better to know one place intimately or many places but only superficially?

Well the answer is..


  1. Hi Michael! I think it´s nice to know superficially because u can go to many cities and then in the future u can travel again to that cities u liked. But at least u have already an opinion.

  2. And the answer is??????????? What's better the familiar? Or the search?
