Saturday, February 27, 2010

This seat isn't taken.

I have an unerring ability to finish a trip on public transport sitting by myself. This is through no overt action on my part.
  • I don't intentionally and audibly fart should someone take up a seat next to me.
  • I don't cuss or make inappropriate comments when people approach.
  • My appearance doesn't come under any category small minded folk would make a judgement on.
  • It isn't a recent development that coincides with my decision, taken after finishing the Bibbulmun Track, to shun the use of deodorant. (If my scent has become a problem my colleagues have either been too kind or too scared to tell me.)
  • I don't place items next to me or sit in the middle of the seat to make it appear as if it would be a great inconvenience for me to shift so it might be easier to go and sit next to the flatulent guy over there swearing his head off - yes, that's him, the one with the swastika tattooed on his forehead.
I've had children burst into tears when they realise their brothers and sisters have a seat and they're the one that has to sit next to the stranger. I have had people stand, in a packed peak hour bus, rather than come and sit next to me. In my defence, it only takes one stop for this behaviour to set a precedent. The passengers getting on at the next stop naturally assume that if those standing haven't taken up the seat something must be up. It's like reverse musical chairs. The music's stopped, there's a chair but no one wants it.

Statistically I'm at a disadvantage. All my trips are solo. Those travelling in company never have to face the prospect.

Don't take any of this as complaint. A brave soul once made an attempt to sit next to me and for a brief period I was just like everyone else, cramped and uncomfortable. At the very next stop a seat at the front of the bus became available and she made a dash for it just sliding in before an elderly gent was about to sit down.

For someone that uses public transport as much as I do this power I posses is welcome but I would like an explanation. I'm lost as to why. Next time you see me, come and sit down and we'll talk about it.

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