Friday, April 9, 2010

Kindness to Strangers

In every major city, to a lesser or greater extent depending on welfare provisions, beggars populate street corners and Sydney is no exception. Some entrepreneurs attempt to increase their takings by displaying signs. The signs vary from stating the obvious about their predicament to what they intend to use the money for. Some try humour, some try honesty, some barely have the capacity to remain upright and this was the state of the beggar I passed on George Street this evening.

I have become hardened to their plight over time. In my adolescence I was sympathetic. When I had a greater understanding of the welfare provisions I became less sympathetic to their homelessness but more understanding of the choices that put them in this state. When I experienced it for myself, I understood that no amount of help would change their situation if they weren’t willing to help themselves.

I have come to the point where now my engagement does not go beyond a smile in passing. So it was with this mindset that I passed the guy who was sitting cross legged and only a short distance from head butting the pavement. As I approached, a lady coming in the opposite direction stirred him from his state and handed him an apple and a piece of banana bread.

He was grateful and she seemed happy as she walked on. It was so simple in its execution that the ripple effect cracked my hardened heart. A terrible cynic would say she was only acting to make herself feel good. Even if this was the only motivation, so what.

All this washed over me after I had walked about ten paces past the scene and it literally stopped me in my tracks. I turned to look at him and he was taking the first bite of the apple. I looked at her as she waited to cross the street and I felt like walking to her to say thank you but initially I didn't know what I would be thanking her for. As I hesitated the walk signal turned green and the moment was lost.

If I saw her now I would thank her for an act of kindness that has caused me to reflect on my own behaviour and some good will come of that.

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