Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Art's Sake

It was raining this morning so I decided a warm bed was preferable to running in the cold. I went back to sleep listening to the rain drops. Lingered with a coffee and the english language Buenos Aires Herald at Cafe Origen before setting off for the day. 

Most days, since I came back to Buenos Aires, I have been taking the Subte (uderground railway) to a different station and finding my way back to San Telmo. Today my navigation skills deserted me. I planned to visit the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA). Its collection spans from the turn of the 20th century to the present. It could have spanned the length of the Andes and I still wouldn't have had a chance of finding it.

I had thought I was gaining a good sense of the city. Too stubborn to ask directions or consult a map I wandered for hours in the light rain. I conceded defeat and took the Subte back to San Telmo. Instead of Museum Art I strolled around San Telmo for a closer look at the street art.



  1. hey matey, arrrrrrgggg
    days like you discribe are normally the best ways of getting around, lost,confused, and to proud to ask for directions.
    keep the stories coming, there are people back here on Oz keeping tabs on your adventures, travel safe

  2. I took pictures with some of these paitings! It´s amazing!

  3. Hey Benn,

    Hope you are well. How long until the Tassie posting?

    I'm in the throws of indecision. There is so much more to do and see but I've been thinking of my little patch of dirt in Stanthorpe. It might be time to hang up the passport and get my hands dirty.

    Are you still in the market? Good week last week, hope for more to come. Atlas has come back a bit, did you get out?

    Standing by to receive (tier 2 that is!)

  4. Hola Monique,

    Finally some warm weather today here in Buenos Aires. Sat in the sun and soaked it up. Are you well?

  5. I did get out. $2.87. So was happy, am concentrating now on FMS. Definitly one to watch, my tip, in 12-18 months. 1-2 dollars

    08oct is my last workin day at Watson........god the stories I could tell?

  6. Awesome...sometimes the journey of being lost helps you find unforgettable experiences...
